- Service Manual Bearcat 55 Outboard Water Impeller
- Bearcat 55 Outboard Motor
- Service Manual Bearcat 55 Outboard Motor
The marine motor the Fisher-Pierce Bearcat 55 was introduced in 1967. Richard Fisher, the founder of Boston Whaler Boats purchased the engine from Homelite Division of Textron, Inc., Originally built by Lou Fageol who adapted a small auto engine into a high-performance marine engine. Homelite marketed the engine from 1962 until 1966 Fisher bought the motor. The motor was perfected and integrated into the sale of Boston Whaler boats.
Online Library Bearcat 55 Outboard Manual iPad, and Windows and Mac computers. Apple iBooks: This is a really cool e-reader app that's only available for Apple Bearcat 55 Outboard Manual Bearcat 55 by Fisher Pierce, the American four stroke outboard, was produced from 1967 to 1972. Read Book Bearcat 55 Outboard Manual Bearcat 55 Outboard Manual Yeah, reviewing a book bearcat 55 outboard manual could amass your near friends listings. This is just one of the solutions for you to be successful. As understood, attainment does not suggest that you have fabulous points. Comprehending as without difficulty as. Outboard Service Manual. 55HP, Models, 55E78, 55EL78. ( 306EB) / (C5). Skip to main content. Shop by category. Shop by category. Enter your search keyword. 1993 OMC JOHNSON EVINRUDE OUTBOARD 40 THRU 55 SERVICE MANUAL P/N 508283 (567) $40.98. Shipping: + $7.00 shipping. 1978 Johnson 55 HP OMC Outboard Service Shop Repair Manual P/N JM-7807.
Some of the improvements include a high-performance gear valve which paired with the existing overhead camshaft and one-piece cylinder block and head made for a durable and trouble-free motor. With it's new hardened valve seats and Stellite exhaust valves, the need for frequent tune-ups was reduced and the life of the motor was extended between overhauls.
Service Manual Bearcat 55 Outboard Water Impeller
A bypass cooling system was also added to the new Bearcat 55. Now the Bearcat cooling water passed directly to the exhaust system instead of the engine. This left the cylinder block full of water after shut-down, keeping the air out which prevented rust accumulation. and effectively preventing dust accumulation. In addition, internal water jets were added to precisely cool the four-cylinder heads. The improvements were a significant and the Fisher-Pirce Bearcat 55 became a classic marine motor. It is still popular with boat owners looking to restore their 1960's-1970's Boston Whalers which feature alone added almost as much to durability as the high-performance valves.
Bearcat 55 Outboard Motor
Some of the improvements include a high-performance gear valve which paired with the existing overhead camshaft and one-piece cylinder block and head made for a durable and trouble-free motor. With it's new hardened valve seats and Stellite exhaust valves, the need for frequent tune-ups was reduced and the life of the motor was extended between overhauls.
Service Manual Bearcat 55 Outboard Water Impeller
A bypass cooling system was also added to the new Bearcat 55. Now the Bearcat cooling water passed directly to the exhaust system instead of the engine. This left the cylinder block full of water after shut-down, keeping the air out which prevented rust accumulation. and effectively preventing dust accumulation. In addition, internal water jets were added to precisely cool the four-cylinder heads. The improvements were a significant and the Fisher-Pirce Bearcat 55 became a classic marine motor. It is still popular with boat owners looking to restore their 1960's-1970's Boston Whalers which feature alone added almost as much to durability as the high-performance valves.
Bearcat 55 Outboard Motor
Service Manual Bearcat 55 Outboard Motor
At Zemp 4 cycle Marine we still have many rebuilt Bearcat 55's available for sale. If you plan to work on your own Bearcat 55 feel free to contact us we carry many parts and we always happy to help out with our expertise on your own DIY pro